Stoma Support
At Medilink®, we know that adjusting to life with a stoma can be overwhelming at times, but this doesn't mean you can't enjoy a full and active lifestyle. We have provided some helpful lifestyle tips and stoma care advice, including dietary, travel, work advice and much more.
Continence Support
We know how important it is for you to adjust to ISC in your lifestyle and we know how apprehensive you may feel about this change, but there is no need to worry. We have provided some helpful lifestyle tips and continence advice, including self-catheterisation, travel, exercise and much more.
How to register with Medilink?
Before you place your first order with the Medilink® home delivery prescription service, you need to register. This has never been easier, you have two options, you can either call us on our Freephone 0800 626388 and speak to your local dispensing care team, or you can email us on

Already registered with Medilink?
If you have already registered with Medilink®, then the next step is to find the different ordering methods which are available.