Support from a stoma care nurse
Medilink® can offer you ongoing clinical support and specialist advice from a qualified Stoma Care Nurse in the local community (England and Wales only).

As part of the Salts Medilink Stoma Nurse Service, we'll offer you ongoing clinical support to ensure you have the right product and care that suits you best throughout your journey.
The service offers:
Select the nearest UK region to you, to discover the contact details of your local stoma care nurse:
“The values and behaviours of Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment…making a difference to our patients’ lives every single day”
Salts Medilink® Community Stoma Care Nurse Team provides a bespoke stoma nursing service. This aims to enhance stoma patient outcomes and improve quality of life through ongoing patient-centred care and support for all stages of the patient pathway.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, ensuring health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and encourage care services to improve their services. The Salts Medilink Stoma Nurse Team are registered with CQC and have successfully been inspected with an overall Good rating in July 2019. Read the full report below.
“Nurse Debbie Smith is sensitive, helpful and a pleasure to keep in touch with, regarding modifications and updates, in the comfort of your own home, very convenient!”
Owen, Medilink® Customer

Need advice?
To find out about any stoma and/or continence prescription products and services, help with placing an order, or if you have a general stoma care enquiry, our fully-trained customer care team are ready to support you. CALL FREEPHONE 0800 626 388 9-5pm Monday to Saturday (England, Scotland and Wales).